Community Commitment
Chair: Vacant
Works to increase public awareness and broaden support for implementing policies and programs aimed at ending homelessness by keeping a listing of CoC members and working to increase membership through awareness efforts.
Data & Performance
Chair: Olyvia Brown-Coles,
Works to ensure that the CoC meets its responsibilities regarding data collection, data sharing and privacy, data quality, implementation of new features, training and recruitment of new participating agencies.
Homeless & Housing Services
Chair: Kristen Nolen,
Works to improve the homeless response system through developing program recommendations consistent with best practices in homeless assistance while overseeing the implementation and improvement of coordinated intake for the CVCoC.
Monitoring & Evaluation
Chair: Melva Walker,
Reviews CVCoC funded (either through HUD or DHCD funds) projects through the Board approved standardized evaluation tool. The monitoring tool incorporates site visits, evaluation of outcomes, financial audits, and case files.
Chair: Jeremy White,
Works to ensure that the CVCoC Board is comprised of individuals representing homeless or formerly homeless persons, homeless service provider organizations, partner organizations and persons from each locality under the CVCoC.
Point-in-Time (Ad hoc)
Plans and implements the annual Point in Time Count according to HUD guidelines while working closely with the HMIS Lead to prepare, organize, and submit the data to HUD.
Policies & Procedures (Ad hoc)
Comprised of CVCoC Board Members. Meets to review and update the CVCoC Policies and Procedures.
Review & Ranking (Ad hoc)
Meets during the application period for both HUD and DHCD to review and approve project application submittal according to the review policy.
Built for Zero (Working Group)
Helps to develop real time data on homelessness using the By-Name List, optimize local housing resources, track progress toward monthly goals, and accelerate proven strategies.
Community Case Reviews (Working Groups)
Develops and reviews plans for individuals and families experiencing homelessness or at risk of homelessness to identify and secure services and supports that will lead to stable housing.
Currently the 3 groups that meet are…
Veteran Huddle meets biweekly on Wednesday at 12pm at Miriam’s House to discuss all veterans experiencing homelessness or at-risk of homelessness.
Chronic Case Conferencing meets every first and third Wednesday of the month at 10am at the Lynchburg Department of Human Services to discuss all chronically homeless individuals and families.
Families & Youth Case Conferencing meets every second and last Wednesday of the month at 9am at United Way of Central Virginia to discuss all households with children and youth households experiencing homelessness.