Data & Performance
Chair: Olyvia Brown-Coles,
Works to ensure that the CoC meets its responsibilities regarding data collection, data sharing and privacy, data quality, implementation of new features, training and recruitment of new participating agencies.
The strategies and action steps listed in the CVCoC Strategic Plan to End Homelessness are the community’s most-informed strategies and have set the CVCoC’s priorities for the next three years. Committee leads and members are tasked with prioritizing actions in support of strategies.
CVCoC HMIS Policies and Procedures
The HMIS Lead, Miriam’s House, is responsible for working with the HMIS Administrator, The Planning Council, to provide new user training and ongoing refresher training to HMIS users to promote data quality. The HMIS Lead chairs the Data & Performance Committee of the CVCoC and holds quarterly meetings in January, April, July and October. The HMIS Lead will monitor HMIS participating agencies to ensure that the standards through the following means:
Technical: The HMIS Lead will conduct an annual visit to each user to ensure all users protect the data in the system correctly. If the program requires technical assistance to make improvements, the HMIS Lead will provide or arrange this assistance.
Timeliness: All Universal Data Elements and Program Specific Data Elements should be entered within five business days of program entry/exit. If the program requires technical assistance to make improvements, the HMIS Lead will provide or arrange this assistance.
Completeness: To ensure the most complete data, each HMIS user will run a CoC Annual Performance Report (APR) for their project(s). The first two weeks of the month should be used to complete any remaining data entry, run an initial report, and address data quality issues flagged. If the program requires technical assistance to make improvements, the HMIS Lead will provide or arrange this assistance.
Accuracy and Consistency: The HMIS Lead will conduct an annual visit to each program in order to compare client files with data entered into HMIS to ensure that the data accuracy standard of 95% is met. If the program requires technical assistance to make improvements, the HMIS Lead will provide or arrange this assistance.
HMIS Data Quality Reporting Instructions
Each user and agency using the HMIS must review and agree to the policies set forth by the HMIS Administrator:
2020 HMIS User Policy Agreement
2020 HMIS Agency Partner Agreement
All CVCoC HMIS users will be audited each year on the technical and accuracy standards listed below:
HMIS Accuracy Audit and Technical Standards
Each year, every HMIS user will receive an HMIS Data Quality Report Card for the previous calendar year.
The Data & Performance Committee will meet quarterly and review data quality reports. The committee will provide feedback and support to programs struggling with meeting the data quality benchmarks. The HMIS committee will note training needs amongst HMIS users and work alongside the HMIS Lead to provide training for all HMIS users in the CVCoC.
Archived Data & Performance Meeting Minutes: